Collecting today’s art creates tomorrow’s historic collection
Historic Reyburn House houses NSA’s increasingly important collection of more than 200 artworks. Created by Northland artists, as well as those associated with Tai Tokerau through work or holidays, many famous names are now represented. Just 50 pieces are shown here. As the collection grows it reflects the evolving art scene in the North. A valuable resource for today’s artists and art historians.
Some of these artworks are available for hire to our corporate members, for use in their offices. To enquire about hiring these artworks or to become a corporate member, please contact the NSA office.
Artist: Brendon Adams, Title: Flat Teapot (1999), Media: Ceramic
Artist: Phillipa Blair, Title: Bones of Culture #2, Media: Pastel on paper, Size: 82 x 59 cm
Artist: Thyrza Bindon, Title: Coastal Bush, Media: Oil on board, Size: 83 x 51 cm
Artist: Keith Bight, Title: Big Red (1999), Media: Terracotta sculpture
Artist: Thyrza Bindon, Title: Tidal River, Media: Oil on board, Size: 83 x 51 cm
Artist: Eric Clark, Title: Gypsy (1992), Media: Pastel/Watercolour, Size: 69.5 x 49.5 cm
Artist: Jocelyn Crawford, Title: Gathering Joy, Media: Pastel on paper, Size: 35 x 31 cm
Artist: Shirley Cole, Title: Still Life Study in Yellow, Media: Oil on paper, Size: 22 x 19.5
Artist: Arthur Dagley, Title: Happy Hour (1994), Media: Acrylic on board, Size: 30.5 x 24.5 cm
Artist: F.C.C. (Frits) deWit
Artist: F.C.C. (Frits) deWit
Artist: Mark Dimock, Title: Zoo, Media: Mixed media on board, Size: 105 x 69 cm
Artist: T.E. Drummond, Title: Rocky Stream, Mair Park, Media: Oil, Size: 89 x 69.5
Artist: Natalie Findlay, Title: Northland Landscape, Media: Oil on board, Size: 84 x 59
Artist: Allan Gale, Title: "Only Dead Fish Will Go With The Flow", Media: 20/50 Print, Size: 17 x 17
Artist: Allan Gale, Title: "Only Dead Fish Will Go With The Flow", Media: Wood block for print
Artist: Brian Gartside, Title: Untitled (1979), Media: Raku bowl
Artist: Adriana Hendel, Title: North From Here, Media: Raku Pottery
Artist: Vera Jamieson, Title: Shaft (1978), Media: Oil on canvas, Size: 101 x 96 cm
Artist: Jillian Keenan, Title: Harbour View (1960), Media: Oil on board, Size: 38.5 x 71 cm
Artist: Joan Lindsay, Title: Pool (1976), Media: Acrylic on board, Size: 66 x 66 cm
Artist: Doris Lusk, Title: Onekaka Wharf (1969), Media: Watercolour, Size: 71 x 84 cm
Artist: Sarah McBeath, Title: Broken Hills (1984), Media: Oil on board, Size: 64 x 49 cm
Artist: Edward McKenzie, Title: Piano Frame #9 (1999), Media: Recycled junk
Artist: Gaeleen Morley, Title: Dancing Teapots (1993), Media: Pottery
Artist: Leon Ockleford, Title: Ten Sisters (1990), Media: Oil on canvas, Size: 116 cm wide
Artist: Stanley Palmer, Title: Creek, Punga, Cloud (1970), Media: Artists Proof Edition 2/5, Size: 63 x 49 cm
Artist: Richard Parker, Title: Spotted Pots, Media: Pottery
Artist: Juliet Peters, Title: Goats (1998), Media: Lithograph 7/14, Size: 40 x 50 cm
Artist: Alison Pickmere, Title: Pakiri Sandhills (1966), Media: Print 2/80, Size: 51 x 38.5
Artist: Rick Rudd, Title: Ceramic Form (1991), Media: Pottery clay part glazed
Artist: Cecilia Russell, Title: Cronus (1998), Media: Watercolour/aquarelle, Size: 76 x 58
Artist: Len Satherley, Title: Bream Head (1993), Media: Acrylic on board, Size: 49 x 88
Artist: Freda Simmonds, Title: Blue Coastline Whangarei Heads, Media: Oil on canvas, Size: 67 x 27
Artist: May Smith, Title: Mangrove Swamp, Media: Pen & Wash on paper, Size: 40 x 58 cm
Artist: Peter Smith, Title: Untitled (1960), Media: Ink & Wash on Paper, Size: 44 x 65 cm
Artist: Michael Smither, Title: Kitchen Study - Mother & Child, Media: Oil on board, Size: 72 x 47 cm
Artist: Kay Sutherland, Title: Burnished Pot (1991), Media: Clay
Artist: Rona Swallow, Title: Mistical Morning (1992), Media: Embossed print 10/35, Size: 32 x 38.5 cm
Artist: Carrol Swann, Title: Emperor's Bowl (1993), Media: Gold & platinum glazed bowl
Artist: Garth Tapper, Title: Hitch Hikers, Media: Bamboo & pen wash, Size: 37 x 27 cm
Artist: Garth Tapper, Title: Man on a Stool (1999), Media: Oil on canvas, Size: 35.5 x 41 cm
Artist: Colin Underdown, Title: Tani Iti #2 (1989), Media: Handbuilt clay slab
Artist: Bernard Waters, Title: Waiwera Coastline, Media: Oil on canvas
Artist: Agnes Wood, Title: Untitled (1974), Media: Oil on canvas, Size: 91 x 91 cm
Artist: Margaret Woolley, Title: Night Coastline (1975), Media: Oil on board, Size: 15.5 x 13.5 cm
Artist: Margaret Woolley, Title: Night Coastline #38 (1975), Media: Oil on board, Size: 15.5 x 13.5 cm
Artist: Ikeda Yoshaka, Title: Teapot #2 (1999), Media: Handbuilt Ceramic pottery